War of the Animals Series
by Jonathan DeCoteau

The main antagonist of The Shut Face of Thunder. Azaz is a grizzly bear king who rose to conquer the many bear clans of the Pacific Northwest. Azaz is known for his killer instinct and his limitless desire to render humanity extinct. Azaz is the first animal ruler to conquer the known world. Bears consider him an incarnated god.

Thunder Killer
A valiant bald eagle who serves as king of the eagles (as well as most birds in Animus Nor). He helps Moon Shadow rule over the skies of Animus. He is also listed among the kings of Animus Nor.

The Night Eye
Fiercely intelligent, conniving, and self-serving, The Night Eye are the central intelligence network of the animal world. They are an endlessly swirling flock of ravens, kites, and crows. The Night Eye have spies everywhere and use them to manipulate their way towards the crown.

Yu The Golden Nightmare
Named after his armor and his ability to beat back opponents, Yu is a giant panda and seeks to rule the animals of Asia with wisdom, power, and compassion. He is a war hero in the first war against humanity.

White Claw
One of the original rulers of Animus, White Claw is a polar bear king and a war hero in the battle against humanity. He has a complicated relationship with Moon Shadow, who ultimately takes over the rule of Animus Nor.

Infused with a divine spark, Methuselah, a bristlecone pine, is the most ancient and mysterious land creature, having survived for thousands of years. She is the most intelligent land creature ever and seeks to pass on the way of peace to the world.

Snow Prophet
The mysterious scribe who writes the War of the Animals books as an animal bible. Snow Prophet is a snowy owl oracle of profound wisdom. He narrates the series and plays a pivotal role in advising animals, especially Moon Shadow, in the wars that are to come.

Groth The Impaler
The wolverine king and commander of the animal forces in Europe. Groth helps The Night Eye take power in Europe after The Rapsys.

Feng is part Chinese dragon, part tortoise, and part lizard, forged in the fires of Gola Dwyn. He was bred to be Thraxis’ champion in the War of the Sea. He is the most powerful of the second generation of animal lords. While some animals consider Feng heartless, he loves his mother and his fellow dragons deeply.

King Croc
Ruler over what is left of Australia after The Rapsys, King Croc is part human, part crocodile and a deadly foe of humanity. As the books progress, he becomes the voice of King Blu among the land animals. He is one of King Blu’s most powerful servants.
All animal photos courtesy of a 2023 Midjourney subscription. All characters copyrighted by Jonathan DeCoteau (2023).

King Blu
The main antagonist of The Crown of Crowns. The animal god of death, King Blu holds such reverence and fear among the animal kingdoms that he is known as the whale god. Part divine, part animal, King Blu is the only creature powerful enough to rival Methuselah and more powerful than all the animal lords put together. Few see King Blu and live. The animals are unsure whether he is an ancient blue whale or something more ancient and terrifying altogether.

Sky Death
A turkey vulture who serves as adviser to the animal kingdom and rules with his mind rather than with his might. He participates in some of the first treaties with mankind. He has a deep bond with Moon Shadow, who he helped survive after The Rapsys.

The main antagonist of Cry of the Gods. The most cunning of the newly awakened animals, Thraxis is a giant Amazon anaconda who seeks to take power and bring back an age of reptiles to rival the age of the dinosaurs. Thraxis rules Animus Sur, including the fabled Gola Dwyn, the animal equivalent of Atlantis. She is a high queen who evolves throughout the books, eventually taking on the role of protector of the land animals.

A wise African elephant king, Zulta is the father of Yanta (the greatest of the early elephant matriarchs) and the ruler of part of the African continent. He unites the elephants of the area, forming the kingdom of Klang Uktor.

Moon Shadow
The major protagonist of the early books in the series. The queen of the white wolves, Moon Shadow unites the wolves, coyotes, and wild dogs after The Great Awakening (or Rapsys). She is one of the architects and protectors of Animus (later Animus Nor), home of the utopian ideals of animal liberty. Moon Shadow is a natural leader and rises to rule over all of Animus Nor.

Once the scientist Nathan Trola, Nurvlyn is the first of a new species of mankind that fuses the powers of the plant, animal, and human worlds. He is known to the animals as a wizard and is one of their earliest advisers. He seeks to attain higher consciousness by studying under Methuselah. Upon his death, he can take a number of forms, including Zehrah, the animal version of Jesus Christ.

Xrata The White Death
King of the newly awakened great white sharks, Xrata is King Blu’s champion. He is a fierce warrior shark unrivaled in the sea.

Yorba The Ape King is a mountain gorilla who rules through brutality and bloodshed. He is often at odds with Zulta, as he feels that he and not Zulta should rule over all of Africa. He gains wisdom with age, advising his son and successor, Klang Krugal.
War of the Animals Series Books
War Of The Animals (Book 3): The Crown Of Crowns
By Jonathan DeCoteau
After the events of Cry Of The Gods, King Blu, the whale god, pronounces the sentence for the land animals: total annihilation. King Blu plans to make an ocean world in the land animals’ stead. A new generation of animal lords fights King Blu in a seemingly hopeless battle. Continent after continent falls to the whale god until a new
War of the Animals (Book 2): Cry of the Gods
By Jonathan DeCoteau
A generation after the events of The Shut Face of Thunder, Thraxis strikes. The anaconda queen resurrects long-dead species of dinosaurs to create an army that allows her to rule the seven continents of Animus like her great ancestors once did. Yet, Thraxis is not concerned only with power. The serpent queen issues a dire warning to the animal world:
War of the Animals (Book 1): The Shut Face of Thunder (free eBook):
By Jonathan DeCoteau
A failed effort to weaponize animals awakens their intellects. The military responds by creating death camps to exterminate infected animals. Moon Shadow, an Arctic white wolf, unites with White Claw, a polar bear king, to form Animus, the first animal republic. Tensions between mankind and the animals escalate until Hunter General Brigand and Hunter Sgt. Fowler, human emissaries, recognize Animus